Arequipe :
Also known as
dulce de leche, arequipe is creamy and has a caramel flavor which makes obleas
a sweet treat. In Colombia you will find vendors on the streets selling single
two slices of obleas with arequipe in between, making them look like an
arequipe sandwich while others dip fruit and cookies into it, drizzle it over
ice cream or just enjoy it all by itself.
4 liters of whole milk (also
available with 1 large package
of powdered milk dissolved in 4 liters of water).
2 kilos of sugar.
1 teaspoon baking.
1 pinch of salt.
cinnamon sticks.
1. Put in a pot the milk and sugar,
add salt, baking soda and cinnamon, stirring to incorporate the ingredients.
2. Store in the fire stirring
occasionally to thicken. When you start taking yellow lower the heat to low and stir continuously to prevent
sticking or ahume.
When you see the bottom of the pot download it and place it in another container.
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